Travel Globe chooses EasyReading

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We narrate the world you dream: this is the claim with which Travel Globe presents itself to its readers. We are talking about a magazine published on ISSUU, which is a tourism, travel, wellness and culture periodical, with images taken by great photographers and a journalistic portal created with a revolutionary approach: focus on readers’ wishes and, as in this case, also on their needs.
It is on this awareness and on these principles that the contract concluded with EasyReading, which will in all respects become the only font used by the graphic designer, for the magazine and by the programmer for the website, is based.
Two are the souls of the interactive magazine, which lays its foundations on a numerous team of professionals: the editor Federico Klausner and the publishing director Federica Giuliani. Theirs is the job of exciting, creating dreams, informing and stimulating, disrupting the laziness of everyday life.
Federico Klausner is not short of comments: “The magazine, about 200 pages, is published monthly and we are already working with our graphic designer to make the proofs and changes to the layout to ensure that in the next edition, that of August, the only font used is EasyReading. As far as the portal is concerned, we have sounded out the developer with regard to the necessary timing to replace all the fonts, finding the expected automation”.
Why did you choose to use a font such as EasyReading?
We chose EasyReading because our magazine and also the portal are inspired by the world of tourism, travel, all the photographers and journalists who work for it come from there, but they differentiate themselves from the classic scheme of those who want to talk about tourism because they want to make culture, we want to get into the artisans’ shops. There is a very strong component in our reporting, which is social sensitivity, hence the commitment to implement the article dedicated to mine amputees in Cambodia and also the subsequent fundraising. What has EasyReading got to do with all this? It fits perfectly with our image, we want to be ahead and this is our way of looking forward. We do not gain anything because, for us, choosing to use that font was a cost, an investment rather, but we strongly believe in it and would like that many publishers choose to use this font. We will dedicate the editorial of the next edition to the font, there you will read more clearly the reason for this choice”.